piatok 28. septembra 2012

Vienna haul

I already wrote an article about Vienna, city that I really love. If you didn´t have a chance to read it, you can do it now, just click HERE. I am already preparing part 2 of that article :). The point is that I got a chance to shop a little bit (actually I think I got a lot of stuff... very excited about it, normally I couldn´t afford to buy so much) and I am eager to share all the items with you. Which one is your favorite? I am sure you will be able to see them in some outfits of the day at some point.

Článok o Viedni, meste, ktoré tak milujem, som už napísala. Ak ste nemali šnacu prečítať si ho, môžete tak urobiť TU. Už pripravujem aj druhú časť :). Pointou je, že som sa dostala aj k nakupovaniu (vlastne som si toho pokúpila dosť veľa... som z toho nadšená, normálne by som si nemohla dovoliť toľko toho nakúpiť) a neviem sa dočkať toho, ako vám to všetko ukážem. Ktorý kúsok je podľa vás naj? Som si istá, že na ne niekedy natrafíte v rubrike OOTD.
Can you guess what´s in those bags? :)
Uhádnete čo je v tých taškách? :)
Finally, finally I found my perfect winter jacket. It´s warm, it´s comfy, it goes with everything and it´s as elegant as a winter jacket can be - you will get what I am saying once you will see it on me, it has an ideal shape (hence, I don´t look like snowman while wearing it). Bought in Zara.

Konečne, konečne som si našla perfektnú zimnú bundu. Je teplá, je pohodlná, ku všetkému sa hodí a je tak elegantná ako len zimná bunda môže byť - pochopíte čo mám na mysli vo chvíli, keď ju na mne uvidíte, má ideálny tvar (čiže v nej nevyzerám ako snehuliak). Kúpená v Zare.
Second lucky find! I wanted a simple white blouse for ages. Bought in Grain de Malice (aka ex-Xanaka)

Druhá šťastná kúpa! Už strašne dlho som chcela jednoduchú bielu blúzku. Kúpená v Grain de Malice (aka ex-Xanaka)
Basic darkblue jeans are a must-have. Bought in Grain de Malice.

Jednoduché tmavomodré džíny sú nevyhnutnosťou. Kúpené v Grain de Malice.
Gotta keep those legs warm somehow! :D
Nejako tie nohy musím udržať v teple! :D
This sweather from Vero Moda looks sooo much better on person, trust me! :) It enhances the curves perfectly.

Tento sveter z Vero Mody vyzerá omnoho lepšie oblečený, verte mi! :) Výborne zdôrazňuje krivky.
From Tally Weil
Z Tally Weil
Also form Tally Weil. Pretty sheer, hmm? :D
Tiež z Tally Weil. Dosť priesvitné, hmm? :D

I also went drugstore shopping and picked up a couple of items.
Takisto som niečo pokúpila aj v drogérke.
Is there something interesting? Maybe my new so-famous-and-all-around-the-Internet Tangle Teezer hair brush? I will write a review soon!

Je tam niečo zaujímavé? Možno moja nová tak-známa-a-po-celom-nete Tangle Teezer kefa na vlasy? Čoskoro napíšem receziu!

P.S. Don´t forget to enter the giveaway :) 
       Nezabudnite sa zapojiť do giveaway :)

štvrtok 27. septembra 2012

Giveaway - choose your prize!

This giveaway is gonna be a little bit different than you are used to - YOU CAN ORDER ANYTHING FROM ANYWHERE worth 15 euros (cca 20 dollars). The only thing is that you have to order from site that has free shipping and ships to your country. From my experience you still have plenty of choice. For fashionistas I recommend http://www.romwe.com/ (nice jewelry there!) or http://www.chicwish.com (want a tip? I am ordering this awesome claw bracelet: http://www.chicwish.com/chicwish-wrapped-claw-bracelet.html)
Or maybe you would like to try some cosmetics? Than go to http://www.beautybay.com/ - I am sure you already know everything about the famous Tangle Teezer brush that I bought myself two weeks ago :) If you are interested you can order it from this site, if I was a winner I would go for something similar. Again, this is only recommendation, you can choose whatever you want.
And for book-lovers... well I am sure we all know bookdepository.co.uk (a Slováci môžu zablúdiť aj na http://www.martinus.sk/)
However! This giveaway will be really happening only if I reach at least 100 GFC followers - I am sorry but it has to be - I am paying it from my own pocket and as a student I can´t afford much (or who know what happens, maybe it would be enought if I gain 50 loyal followers :)). I still hope you will take part in my first giveaway, I will be very grateful. 
1. You have to be a GFC follower - 1 entry only for that. This step is mandatory. (on the left there is box called Následníci - it´s google friend connect - just click on Pripojiť sa k tejto lokalite. Be sure to complete this step)
2. To gain extra entries you can share the info on Facebook (plus 3 entries)
3. Tell your friends and bring them here, you will get 5 extra entries for each friend (you can do it everyday)
4. Write a comment (plus 2 entries)
5. Blog about this giveaway - you will gain 10 extra points!
6. Become a fan on Chictopia (plus 2 entries)
7. Become a fan on lookbook (plus 2 entries)

As you can see you can win very easily if you decide to complete every step.
I will draw a winner with random.com and he will be announced here on blog, so be sure to check it out so in case you won you could send me your e-mail adress. Good luck!
P.S. I know that I am just beginning but I have already prepared a lot of OOTD and posts so if you want just check the blog following days.

If you have any questions just write me an e-mail (anetamisikova@gmail.com) or you can leave a comment.

V skratke vysvetlené - v tejto súťaži môže súťažiť ktokoľvek, jediný krok, ktorý je povinný, je stať sa followerom (vľavo kliknite na Pripojiť sa k tejto lokalite), avšak svoje šance rapídne zvýšite tým, že vyplníte aj ostatné vstupy (šíriť info o giveaway na vašom FB, priviesť sem na blog kamaráta, ktorý sa stane followerom, napísať koment, blogovať o giveaway, stať sa fanúšikom na Chictopii a Lookbooku). Výhrou je čokoľvek, čo si víťaz vyberie z netu (v hodnote do 15 eur) - šperk, kozmetiku, knihu... To záleží len na vás. Musíte však svoju cenu objednať zo stránky, ktorá má zadarmo poštovné - stále ich máte na výber veľmi veľa, môžete sa inšpirovať stránkami, ktoré som tu uviedla ako príklad. Musím ale upozorniť, že víťaza budem môcť losovať jedine vtedy, ak dosiahnem číslo 100 followerov (ale ktovie, možno nadobudnem 50 lojálnych čitateľov, takže víťaz predsa len bude!). Dúfam, že sa zapojíte a želám veľa šťastia. 

V prípade nejakých otázok mi napíšte mail na anetamisikova@gmail.com
P.S. Viem, že sa len rozbieham, ale už mám pripravených mnoho outfit postov a článkov, takže ak máte chuť, skúste sa poobzerat po blogu nasledujúce dni :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

pondelok 24. septembra 2012

Dancing and fashion together? So much fun!

I think title says it all :). Dancing is always fun and without a doubt it´s the best way how to relieve stress or anger and burn calories. Endorphins don´t hurt either :). You don´t have to be a dance champion - just dance for yourself at home, jumping to your favorite music.
I am subscribed to Tess on youtube and by far this is my favorite video of hers, it´s different and interesting and colourful... If you are interested in fashion be sure to check this video, Tess put together a lot of outfits. It must have been timeconsuming to create this kind of video, so thumbs up for me!

Myslím, že nadpis hovorí za všetko :). Tancovanie je vždy zábavou a bezpochyby je to najlepšia cesta ako odbúrať stres či hnev a spáliť kalórie. Endorfíny tiež neublížia :). Nemusíte byť tanečným šampiónom - len si zatancujte sami pre seba doma, skáčuc na vašu obľúbená hudbu.
Tess sledujem na youtube a toto je zďaleka jej najlepšie video, je iné, je zaujímavé a farebné... Ak sa zaujímate o módu, tak si ho určite pozrite, pretože Tess skombinovala veľa outfitov. Muselo byť časovo náročné vytvoriť takéto video, takže za mňa palec hore!

sobota 22. septembra 2012

There in her garden she stands, All dressed in fine lace

Today I will show you two items that I got in Paris - lace T-shirt (love lace, it´s so feminine) and asymetric skirt that I wasn´t sure about at first because I loved that style on other bloggers but I thought it´s not for me. My friend successfully persuaded me and I went for it. I decided to add some colour to this all-black outfit with turquoise earrings, it´s a nice contrast. What do you think, do you like these photos?

utorok 18. septembra 2012

Photo of the day

I took this picture last summer here in Vienna and I love its simplicity, its one of my favorites.  There is something very melancholic and gloomy about it, isn´t it?

pondelok 17. septembra 2012

Discover Vienna with me! Part 1

You should probably know that my mom lives in Vienna so I am quite familiar with the city as I spend there a few weeks every summer (since I was five!). I have a lot of useful information for you so if you are planning a visit (and you definitely should!) feel free to ask me. I really love Vienna and its atmosphere and history, there are so many wonderful places to see - historic buildings, parks, churches, castles... The best thing is that I am actually here in Vienna right now! I am really pleased with how it turned out because it seemed like this would be my first year that I wouldn´t be able to get here and even though I can´t be here a week or two as I am used to, I am happy to be here at least for extended weekend.
I don´t even know where to begin, I have so many photos for you. Today I decided to hack around the city centre.

Thinking about it, everything exciting begins with the Opera, situated at the beginning of the pedestrian zone. You really cannot miss those sight-seeing buses for tourists...

The pedestrian zone is one of my favorite places to shop - there is everything, Mango, the biggest Zara, souvenir shops... If you know where to go you will also find the most luxurious shops like Hermes or Marc Jacobs.

And first tip that I am going to give you is actually stopping by Swarovski - seriously, check it out, it is always amazingly decorated. Pity that I don´t have a picture of their representation of Swan Lake, it was beautiful.

It´s always fun to wonder around the area, there are many narrow streets so it´s up to you which one you decide to explore. I did that today and I came across this fountain and church - never saw them before!
Those streets are also perfect if you want to find small, more specialised shops.
Say hi to my new friend Pinocchio! (Obviously this picture was taken a long time ago, different clothes and hair... :D )
Shop with gorgeous hand-made jewellery. Well, you can see me here too :D I don´t know how to snap decent photos while window shopping...
Here is one representation of traditional austrian folk costume
Before we get back to the main street I would like to show you this particular picture - don´t you think that contrast between this monk and modern city is interesting? 
This is how it really looks around here with all the people. Erste bezirk (fisrt district) is always crowded, especially during weekends.
Stephansdom is a must-see for all the visitors. If you want to know more information about this most important religious buliding in Vienna, click HERE. Once inside Stephansdom be sure to take part in catacombs tour, all information needed is listed HERE. Btw, it wasn´t always this nice, it´s newly renovated. Yesterday when I was looking at it I was wondering why it looked so different - it´s the colour! It used to be so much darker, almost black. Everytime I get a chance I stop by and admire this breathtaking piece of architecture.
And now we are getting closer to Hofburg, the former imperial residence. It´s still the place where crowning jewels are deposited - you can buy a ticket and see them with your own eyes. You also get to see imperial apartments which is great because I am sure you have already heart about Sissi and Franz Joseph. Plan your visit HERE.
The first thing you see is actually this fountain:
Hofburg in its beauty.
Hofburg (and Stephansdom) is the place where you can catch your own carriage.
From the inner courtyard of Hofburg you get to see Naturhistorisches Museum (Museum of Natural History of Vienna) and the city hall.
This is already a very long post so next time I will show you where to find the most luxurious shops, where to rest (it´s important for your feet trust me :) ), where you can taste the best dessert ever, which museums to visit... and many more! 
Hope you enjoyed my pictures, have a nice day and see you soon :)
                                                                                                    xo, Aneta

P.S. All photos were taken by me and my very unprofessional digital camera :)

sobota 8. septembra 2012

Outfit of the day!

Time goes by so quickly, last days of summer are already here - and I don´t want them to be over because it means that my first year at Uni starts only in a few days... My goal is to make the best out of the time that is left, wearing ultra-summery outfit (at least for me because white has always been a symbol of summer).

Btw, this is my everyday make-up, not a fan of the smoky brown look that so many girls prefer... Don´t mistake me, I think it´s nice (and I do recreate some looks with my freshly new Naked 2 palette!) but still... you see it too much around here.
I decided to go for a clean look with these simple earrings, they match the applications on my top perfectly :)
Close-up of my top

How are you guys spending these days? Feel free to write a comment, it´s very appreciated :)
                                                                                                                                          xo, Aneta

utorok 4. septembra 2012

Outfit of the day

Weather in Central Europe really can surprise. How on earth is possible to be so hot over here??? One would think that I am living in the Sahara desert considering that temperature during whole summer has been around 30 degrees of Celsius, sometimes even more. People, I am dying here, sooo not used to this. I am dealing with it the best way possible - wearing almost nothing :D That sounded weird, I know. That shirt you can see on the following pictures is made of very light fabric, you don´t even know that you are wearing something, it´s very comfy and so is the skirt. I added turquoise earrings and gold bracelet that matches my sandals and print on my shirt. 

I am quite pale as you can see so probably you wouldn´t think that I am sunbathing very often... would you  believe that I spent a whole week near sea, just laying on the sun? The thing is that I don´t tan easily and this summer I promised myself that I would always wear sunsecreen. This is obviously the result. :DD

Funny fact - at one point some guy began stripping in front of me (and Barbora). Couldn´t see that coming... And no, we weren´t at the swimming pool.
Anyway, we had a good laugh! Here is my last pose, just for fun... :D Oh guys, I am such a model... *rolling my eyes*